Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Great Brain Book Group - Week 6

The Great Brain by John D. Fitzgerald
Week 6: Read Chapter 8 (pages 139-175)


awed (139)
entitled (146)
resented (119)
nettled (151)
exasperated (153)
lariat (154)
coaxed (155)
limb (158)
boasted (170)
malady (174)


1. Choose 2 vocabulary words and look up their definitions in a dictionary. Find the definition that most closely matches how each word is used in the book. Copy the definitions into your journal, and underline the word. Identify which dictionary you used. Write sentences for each word that shows you know what it means. Underline the vocabulary word in each sentence.

2. J.D. wants to be a helpful and loyal friend to Andy. How does he show his friendship? What other ways could J.D. have helped Andy? (paragraph)

3. On page 174, the author writes, “And so it came to pass just a week before Christmas of that year a miracle took place in Adenville, Utah.” What was the miracle? What do you think of the ending? (paragraph)

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