Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stargirl Book Group - Week 5

Stargirl by Jerry Spinelli
Week 5: Read pages 139-160


tentatively (139)
prominently (141)
zeal (142)
palmetto (143)
moa (159)
mesquite (151)
mesa (151)
auditorium (154)


1. Choose 3 vocabulary words and look up their parts of speech and definitions in a dictionary. Then, wrote them down in your journals.

2. Choose another 2 vocabulary words and write meaningful sentences for each in your journal.

3. Who is Susan Caraway? How is she different from Stargirl?

4. On page 147, the expression "count your chickens before they hatch" is used. What does that mean? To what is it referring in the story?

5. Describe Susan's speech. (paragraph)

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